Thursday, April 17, 2008

Er...Sup ppl?

Hey peeps! Ya, I haven't posted in a while... I've been busy. But, no bother!

Let's class has started a two week French course which is kinda sorta fun. don't know. Not much going on.

I've been taking a lot of dance lately...? God, I'm bored. School is boring. But I don't have anything against's just that it takes away from my free time. Plus, it's natural for a kid, like a little girl to hate school...Right? I'm starting to rant again.

You know what? I hate my ex BF. I feel like giving out all his personal info so people can teepee (spelling?) and egg his house. But I have nothing against his parents. His parents are 1) a science teacher and 2) really, really nice. :) But I don't know how such a wretched child grew up from nice parents. Geez, I'm not deaf you know. I can hear him cursing my name.

Lunch time!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I'm at school right now hanging out with my two besties! Kate and Meg. Both taller than me (duh! I'm short like that)

Anyways, my day has been soooo long...This boy, one of my friends, is guessing who I like. Ya, I like someone even though we [kate and meg] have made a pact not to like boys. Oops! But I would never go out with him. Ever.

My hamsters gave bith last night! My mom thought there were two girls, but apparently not. They are the size of jellybeans! So cute!! (and so many) I have roborovski hamsters. But Kate says they might not all live....

Lunch time!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Random Rants

OMG!!! I just found the cutest calender ever! Puddle Bunnies Calendar by *celesse on dA. I was randomly sifting through one of my besties's faves. It's so cute!

My bro is at a piano competition right now and I should be doing homework. But it's too hard. Either that or I'm too lazy to look it up. I'm no where near finished.

I'm bored. I should be calling one of my friends like I told her I would. I'm way to lazy. Yawn...Well, in my defence, I should be allowed to just kinda sit because I fell and hurt my tailbone during pointe class. Ouch...I'm glad I don't have to go today.

Friend Delima Continued: God, she still hates me. It feel's kind of harsh having someone cuss about you behind your back...Grr...

Ya, to my second post. I hope somebody would come along and read this. *hint, hint*
~from a random girl

Friday, February 22, 2008


Hey peeps!

I just joined blogger, (my friend has one), so I decided it would be fun. Ya...I ♥ dancing, writing stories ( search up: tRavLinGWriTeR, playing the piano?, or just pure hanging out.

Two of my besties are mad at each other...Or beasties. (I feel comfortable enough calling them that. LOL) I don't really know what to say.

I wonder if Kate likes me, she seems to like all her other friends but me. Well, at least more. Oh well...

More friend deli ma: One of my friends from dance, I won't tell you her name, is so mad at me. It's complicated and I don't think I wan't to write about it. If she read this, she would kill me. Ugh, she's been talking and IM'ing about me behind my back. (or so I am told). I wonder what's going to happen now...

I had a freaking Spanish quiz today. Now my class only my class is not allowed to play raceket ball. (is that how you spell it?) Ugh, my teacher said it was only the boys fault. Ever read The Clique series? Well in "Sealed With a Diss", they go on a boyfast. I should do that. I had a really mean boyfriend at one point too.

Ya, that's all for now, (my first post! Yipee!)
~a random girl from the world...