Thursday, February 28, 2008


I'm at school right now hanging out with my two besties! Kate and Meg. Both taller than me (duh! I'm short like that)

Anyways, my day has been soooo long...This boy, one of my friends, is guessing who I like. Ya, I like someone even though we [kate and meg] have made a pact not to like boys. Oops! But I would never go out with him. Ever.

My hamsters gave bith last night! My mom thought there were two girls, but apparently not. They are the size of jellybeans! So cute!! (and so many) I have roborovski hamsters. But Kate says they might not all live....

Lunch time!


Queen of the Trees (a.k.a Kate) said...

my new blog is

you know who i am

Queen of the Trees (a.k.a Kate) said... need to update your blog